The log shows that it complains about the server timezone setting. Please try adding "?serverTimezone=Asia/Singapore" at the end of your jdbc URL to specify the time zone.
When I started capturing my API, I clicked on the start capture button and got an error. When I look at the error log, it says “Unable to resolve hostname”. This means that I am getting selenium. Here you can check to learn more about the casino games. Firefox detect as a fallback, instead of discovering the browser behavior that would result in starting this automation as expected.
Hi Calvincooper,
The log shows that it complains about the server timezone setting. Please try adding "?serverTimezone=Asia/Singapore" at the end of your jdbc URL to specify the time zone.
For example:
You may refer to the following wiki for the time zone you need:
When I started capturing my API, I clicked on the start capture button and got an error. When I look at the error log, it says “Unable to resolve hostname”. This means that I am getting selenium. Here you can check to learn more about the casino games. Firefox detect as a fallback, instead of discovering the browser behavior that would result in starting this automation as expected.
Thank you, it works for me! Appreciate your assistance.