Hi, I’m having trouble generating my Rest API, I’m using the template from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTyYTf1sw9k and each time I try, I get this error message:
What could be the problem?
Thank you very much in advance.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Startup ...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start to prepare AlchemyJ workspace...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ Compiler Command-Line Parameter Information:
[INFO ] - Compiler execution location: C:/Users/HugoKinneteg/Downloads/AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community/AlchemyJ Community Edition/AlchemyJ Compiler/
[INFO ] - Target folder location: C:/Users/HugoKinneteg/Documents/TMP/tmp-2021060808233761-##RestApi/
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Copying studio output resources to compiler execution temp folder
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ workspace is ready...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start parsing studio output configuration file
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: index.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/Compilation Config/%%SysConfig.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/Compilation Config/%%AppConfig.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/main.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/datadict.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/AlchemyJ Package Object Definition.json
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Completed all studio output configuration parsing tasks.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Identify configuration type as [Java Rest Project], Start work...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start to parse [Rest Project] compilation configuration
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/Compilation Config/##RestApi.json
[INFO ] - Parsing studio output configuration file: REST API Sample Model2.xlsm/Compilation Config/##RestEndpointGroup.json
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Completed to do [Rest Project] compilation configuration parsing work
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start to parse the target workbook...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Calculating workbook analysis scope
[INFO ] - No any processing unit sheet found on workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm
[INFO ] - Analysing each function point's workbook scope and workbook parsing scope
[INFO ] - Loading AlchemyJ Library Function and preparing workbook parsing environment
[INFO ] - ----- Open workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm to analysis -----
[INFO ] - Parsing workbook sheet definition included in workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm
[INFO ] - Parsing workbook name definition included in workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm
[INFO ] - Parsing workbook non array formula cell definition included in workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm
[INFO ] - Parsing workbook array formula cell definition included in workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm
[INFO ] - ----- Workbook REST API Sample Model2.xlsm closed -----
[INFO ] - Analysing AlchemyJ library module usage and do the supporting checking
[INFO ] - Analysis end, AlchemyJ library module(s) [common-fun] will be embedded to API.
[INFO ] - Collecting function point [Function Point 1] workbook parsing result, doing out of scope checking and processing unit sheet removing
[INFO ] - Finish collecting function point [Function Point 1] workbook parsing result, doing out of scope checking and processing unit sheet removing
[INFO ] - ------ [REST API Sample Model2.xlsm] Function point (Function Point 1) processing unit sheet handled result ------
[INFO ] - No out of range cell needs to be processed
[INFO ] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Complete parsing the workbook...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start to prepare JAVA API execution definition...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Not found any defined function point, skip java api execution definition analysis work
[INFO ] - Analysing application properties cell address mapping to API execution definition
[INFO ] - Start to analysis entity definition to API execution definition
[INFO ] - Collecting function point workbook initialization definition from workbook parsing result
[INFO ] - Current generation mode is not debug mode, skip the function point in/out cell range analysis
[INFO ] - Current generation mode is not high performance mode, Skip function point evaluation cell range analysis
[INFO ] - Collecting AlchemyJ Library function required inforation
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Complete JAVA API execution definition analysis work...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Analyzing [Java Rest Project] overall information...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Base Package Name is my_api.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Is Output as War is false.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Is Generation as Micro-Service is false.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External Yaml Configuration Location is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External Yaml Configuration Environment Variable Name is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External LOG Configuration Location is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External LOG Configuration Environment Variable Name is null.
[INFO ] - Identifying Runtime configuration
[INFO ] - Identifying Build-and-Run Web Server Configuration
[INFO ] - Identifying Advance Settings
[INFO ] - Identifying application properties
[INFO ] - Finish Yaml analysis, identify total 21 properties
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Maven Group Id is my_api.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Maven Artifact Id is MyRESTAPI.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Maven Version No. is 1.0.0.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Compiler JDK version is 1.8.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Packaging is Jar.
[INFO ] - Identify total 1 entities: [my_api.entity.Output]
[INFO ] - Identify 1 need to be generated, name(s) are [EndpointGroupController]
[INFO ] - Identify 1 end point id for EndpointGroupController, for function point: [Function Point 1]
[INFO ] - Identify 1 input end point parameter for EndpointGroupController function point Function Point 1
[INFO ] - Identify 0 full-set end point parameter for EndpointGroupController function point Function Point 1
[INFO ] - Identify 0 response operation end point parameter for EndpointGroupController function point Function Point 1
[INFO ] - Identify 1 need to be generated, name(s) are [EndpointGroupService]
[INFO ] - Identify 1 end point id for EndpointGroupService, for function point: [Function Point 1]
[INFO ] - Identify 1 input end point parameter for EndpointGroupService function point Function Point 1
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Session Management Store Storage is Application Server.
[INFO ] - Identify session management store type Application Server, no need to do any analysis step.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Debug mode is false.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Workbook [REST API Sample Model2.xlsm] Debug Command Action File Location is %CYAN%<>.
[INFO ] - Identify rest API document enabled, start to do analysis
[INFO ] - Workbook has no LDAP operation, skip all LDAP setting(s).
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Completed [Java Rest Project] code and project generation
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Start to do [Java Rest Project] code and project generation...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.Constants] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.AlchemyjSpringApplicationBootstrap] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.AlchemyjConfiguration] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.properties.AlchemyjProperties] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.properties.AlchemyjApiFpWbBufferProperties] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.properties.CustomizedFpWbCacheSizeConfigProperties] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.GlobalControllerExceptionHandler] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.ServiceAopHandler] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.application.listener.ExternalYamlConfigApplicationListener] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.application.listener.ExternalLogConfigApplicationListener] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.application.listener.SpringApplicationReadyApplicationListener] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.smtp.AlchemyjSmtpInfoProperties] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.smtp.AlchemyjSmtpInfoCollector] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.entity.base.AlchemyjResource] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.AdditionalInfoResponseUtils] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.EndPointExecutionUtils] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.SpringInitializerLogger] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.AuthenticationUtils] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.JacksonCustomizedDoubleSerializer] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.util.WebFileUpDownloadHelper] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.servlet.filter.ExceptionHandlingFilter] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.servlet.filter.ServletFilterConfiguration] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing 1 service statement file...
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.service.EndpointGroupService] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.service.impl.EndpointGroupServiceImpl] code statement
[INFO ] - Preparing 1 controller statement file...
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.controller.EndpointGroupController] code statement
[INFO ] - No any database operation found on REST Project, skip the data source configuration class generation.
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.entity.Output] code statement
[INFO ] - Generating spring.factories file
[INFO ] - Generating project log configuration XML file
[INFO ] - Generating AlchemyJ file for workbook: [REST API Sample Model2.xlsm]
[INFO ] - Generating YAML file
[INFO ] - Preparing content of file pom.xml
[INFO ] - Identify session management store type Application Server, no need prepare session management code statement.
[INFO ] - Preparing class [my_api.configuration.SpringFoxSwaggerConfiguration] code statement
[INFO ] - Start to generate [REST Project] Maven Project, project name: MyRESTAPI.
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: Constants.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjSpringApplicationBootstrap.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjConfiguration.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjProperties.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjApiFpWbBufferProperties.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: CustomizedFpWbCacheSizeConfigProperties.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: GlobalControllerExceptionHandler.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ServiceAopHandler.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ExternalYamlConfigApplicationListener.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ExternalLogConfigApplicationListener.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: SpringApplicationReadyApplicationListener.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjSmtpInfoProperties.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjSmtpInfoCollector.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyjResource.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AdditionalInfoResponseUtils.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: EndPointExecutionUtils.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: SpringInitializerLogger.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AuthenticationUtils.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: JacksonCustomizedDoubleSerializer.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: WebFileUpDownloadHelper.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ExceptionHandlingFilter.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ServletFilterConfiguration.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: EndpointGroupService.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: EndpointGroupServiceImpl.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: EndpointGroupController.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: Output.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: spring.factories
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: logback-spring.xml
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: ExecutionDefinition.aj
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: AlchemyJDefGuider.json
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: application.yml
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: pom.xml
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: SpringFoxSwaggerConfiguration.java
[INFO ] - Running file generation task, file name: MyRESTAPI.bat
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Completed [Java Rest Project] code and project generation
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Output type is [REST Project], start packaging...
[INFO ] - Prepare to package project into jar/war
[INFO ] - Executing command: [C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\mvn.cmd, -s, "C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\conf\settings.xml", clean]
[INFO ] - Information returned from command line:
[INFO ] - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[INFO ] - [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO ] - [INFO]
[INFO ] - [INFO] --------------------------< my_api:MyRESTAPI >--------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] Building MyRESTAPI 1.0.0
[INFO ] - [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO]
[INFO ] - [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ MyRESTAPI ---
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] Total time: 1.077 s
[INFO ] - [INFO] Finished at: 2021-06-08T08:24:04+02:00
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[INFO ] - Executing command: [C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\mvn.cmd, -s, "C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\conf\settings.xml", package, -Dmaven.test.skip=true]
[INFO ] - Information returned from command line:
[INFO ] - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[INFO ] - [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO ] - [INFO]
[INFO ] - [INFO] --------------------------< my_api:MyRESTAPI >--------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] Building MyRESTAPI 1.0.0
[INFO ] - [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO ] - Downloading from central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/axisoft/alchemyj/alchemyj-execution-api-provider/
[INFO ] - [WARNING] The POM for com.axisoft.alchemyj:alchemyj-execution-api-provider:jar: is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO ] - Downloading from central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/webjars/swagger-ui/3.25.0-4aj/swagger-ui-3.25.0-4aj.pom
[INFO ] - [WARNING] The POM for org.webjars:swagger-ui:jar:3.25.0-4aj is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO ] - Downloading from central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/webjars/swagger-ui/3.25.0-4aj/swagger-ui-3.25.0-4aj.jar
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [INFO] Total time: 02:44 min
[INFO ] - [INFO] Finished at: 2021-06-08T08:26:53+02:00
[INFO ] - [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project MyRESTAPI: Could not resolve dependencies for project my_api:MyRESTAPI:jar:1.0.0: Could not find artifact org.webjars:swagger-ui:jar:3.25.0-4aj in central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
[INFO ] - [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[INFO ] - [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[INFO ] - [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[INFO ] - [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Failed to do [Java Rest Project] main job, for details please refer to log file.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - ----------------Error Summary(For details check log file)----------------
[ERROR] - Failed to execute command: [C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\mvn.cmd, -s, "C:\Users\HugoKinneteg\Downloads\AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\conf\settings.xml", package, -Dmaven.test.skip=true]
[ERROR] - ---------------------------Error Summary(End)----------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Build Failure
[ERROR] - Log path refer to C:/Users/HugoKinneteg/Downloads/AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community/AlchemyJ Community Edition/AlchemyJ Compiler/logs
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Shut down...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
End with error
Press any key to continue . . .
Hi Benson,
I can see files and folders in this link https://repo1.maven.org/ using my browser but I found only one folder boot under " [AJ installation folder]\AlchemyJ_Maven_Repository\org\springframework" which I deleted and tried again to generate api. No luck please advice.
Hi Uttam,
It looks like AJ has problem getting sprint-boot-parent from the online maven repository. So, the first thing to check is to see if you can access https://repo1.maven.org/ using your browser. If you cannot, it is a network issue.
If you can visit https://repo1.maven.org/ using a browser, you can try removing the following folder and try again to see if it works. It shall download spring from maven again.
[AJ installation folder]\AlchemyJ_Maven_Repository\org\springframework
Hi Benson,
Can you please check this error log:
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Completed [Java Rest Project] code and project generation
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Output type is [REST Project], start packaging...
[INFO ] - Prepare to package project into jar/war
[INFO ] - Executing command: [C:\My Data\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\mvn.cmd, -s, "C:\My Data\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\conf\settings.xml", clean]
[INFO ] - Information returned from command line:
[INFO ] - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[INFO ] - [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO ] - Downloading from central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-parent/2.0.3.RELEASE/spring-boot-starter-parent-2.0.3.RELEASE.pom
[INFO ] - [ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[INFO ] - [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for bmi_calculator:BMICalculator:1.0.0: Could not transfer artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:pom:2.0.3.RELEASE from/to central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target and 'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 11, column 11
[INFO ] - @
[INFO ] - [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[INFO ] - [ERROR] The project bmi_calculator:BMICalculator:1.0.0 (C:\My Data\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\temp\c5fce097-ffa7-41cb-8f98-65d26c1005a1\BMICalculator\pom.xml) has 1 error
[INFO ] - [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for bmi_calculator:BMICalculator:1.0.0: Could not transfer artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:pom:2.0.3.RELEASE from/to central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target and 'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 11, column 11 -> [Help 2]
[INFO ] - [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[INFO ] - [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[INFO ] - [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[INFO ] - [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/ProjectBuildingException
[INFO ] - [ERROR] [Help 2] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/UnresolvableModelException
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Failed to do [Java Rest Project] main job, for details please refer to log file.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - ----------------Error Summary(For details check log file)----------------
[ERROR] - Failed to execute command: [C:\My Data\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\mvn.cmd, -s, "C:\My Data\AlchemyJ Community Edition\AlchemyJ Compiler\resource\apache-maven-3.6.1\conf\settings.xml", clean]
[ERROR] - ---------------------------Error Summary(End)----------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Build Failure
[ERROR] - Log path refer to C:/My Data/AlchemyJ Community Edition/AlchemyJ Compiler/logs
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Shut down...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
End with error
Press any key to continue . . .
Hi again, I just wanted to call out and say thank you! I reinstalled Alchemyj and now it seems to work. I have got another question though, I am trying to find documentation on how to integrate the API with Wordpress or similar website builders like Wix, but I can't find any. I just want to know if this is possible, and if so, how can I do it?
Your AJ installation folder should contain the following subfolders.
Hi hugkin,
The log shows that AlchemyJ cannot find the required AJ execution library in the local maven repository that comes with the installation package (zip file). It looks like your AlchemcyJ folder is missing some required files.
In case any files were deleted or modified accidentally, the easiest way to fix this is to unzip the AJ zip file to the same location again so that it replaces all the files there.
However, if it still does not work, you may check the following:
1. Open [Your AJ installation folder]\AlchemyJ Compiler\conf\mavenSettings.xml in a text editor, make sure the following exists:
This tells AlchemyJ where to find the local repository folder.
2. Make sure the following folder exists:
[Your AJ installation folder]\AlchemyJ_Maven_Repository\com\axisoft\alchemyj