INFO ] - Analyzing [Java Rest Project] overall information...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Base Package Name is userinfo.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Is Output as War is false.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: Is Generation as Micro-Service is false.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External Yaml Configuration Location is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External Yaml Configuration Environment Variable Name is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External LOG Configuration Location is null.
[INFO ] - [REST Project] Analysis Result: External LOG Configuration Environment Variable Name is null.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Failed to do [Java Rest Project] code and project generation
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - Failed to do [Java Rest Project] main job, for details please refer to log file.
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - ----------------Error Summary(For details check log file)----------------
[ERROR] - Current session should have Alchemyj Java api execution definition holder
[ERROR] - ---------------------------Error Summary(End)----------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Build Failure
[ERROR] - Log path refer to C:/Users/QDC/Downloads/AlchemyJ v4.1.1.201109 Community/AlchemyJ Community Edition/AlchemyJ Compiler/logs
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO ] - AlchemyJ (Community Edition) Shut down...
[INFO ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------
End with error
Press any key to continue . . .
This error indicates that AlchemyJ cannot find a an Endpoint Group in the Endpoint Group Section of ##RestAPI. If you start your project with the REST API Sample Model, you should see ##ResetEndpointGroup in the Endpoint Group Definition Table.
Please check whether your Endpoint Group table is empty. If it still does not work, you can upload a screenshot of the ##RestApi worksheet or share the workbook with me. I can take a look.
This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives indepth information. Thanks for this nice article.